It’s often said—and rightly so—that if we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Over more than 25 years in the tech field, I’ve seen many businesses thrive and many others crash, and I’ve learned that there are patterns to both success and failure, with predictable opportunity and danger points. Strong planning from the start, with these points in mind, is essential.
I’ve created a four-stage approach that will help your company create and navigate a clear, well-marked path to success while avoiding common pitfalls such as a faulty business model, poor communication, or failure to prioritize the user experience. This approach has repeatedly resulted in a successful product launch.
Stage One
● Goals
● Priorities
● Niche
We’ll begin with some deep dives to discuss your mission, target market, budget, and desired user experience. We’ll set scaling intentions and discuss ROI and any other specific founder and investor goals. Stage One is also when we’ll work out details of your market niche, including the MVP (minimum viable product). Throughout this part of the process, I will ask crucial questions to help create clarity. Many companies with great ideas have fallen short or even folded because they didn’t have full clarity on these issues from the beginning. Stage One takes only a few weeks, and then you’ll know you are completely ready to start strong.
Stage Two
Scope of Work
● Metrics
● Timelines
Without realistic timelines and defined metrics up front, projects fall apart. The Translate To Tech scope of work, designed to guide and support the entire process, is a reliable recipe for success. Your custom-designed project scope of work will take into account everything we decided in Stage One. Once I’ve written it, I’ll collaborate with you to refine it; this process usually takes about a week.
Stage Three
● Team Building
● Weekly Meeting
● Accountability
Inadequate staffing and poor communication can threaten the foundation of a project. In Stage Three, which can last a few months depending on the scope of the project and its MVP, I’ll help ensure that you have the right technology and staffing to begin. I’ll then share the scope of work with the development team, using tech language to be sure they understand the processes and expectations we worked out in Stages One and Two. We will also establish and maintain rapport via weekly meetings at which leadership, the project manager, and key team members will discuss whether individual responsibilities and team metrics are on track. We’ll also review and celebrate accomplishments, offer help to team members as needed, and discuss what’s due for the next week, building a strong culture of collaboration and support.
Stage Four
● Sales
● Marketing
● Success!
Stage Four is when we launch your SaaS product. Congratulations! The sales and marketing teams will feel confident in selling such a well-designed product with a quality user experience. The development team will continue with their excellent work to support, innovate, and scale the product. With their continuing endeavors and yours as well, the product will thrive in the open market—not just upon launch but well into the future.
Contact me to discuss how Translate To Tech can help you guide your project to success.